Common HVAC Questions

Common HVAC Questions

How often should HVAC systems be serviced?

HVAC systems should be inspected by a professional contractor just before the heating or cooling season. It will prevent the system from any damage and allow to maintain the proper work of HVAC devices.

Does the outdoor unit have to be checked from time to time?

It is important to check the outdoor unit every few weeks to remove leaves, debris, and other small things around the unit. Even small and lightweight things can block the airflow or damage the HVAC device.

What are the air ducts, and how do they affect airflow?

Air ducts are canals that transport the medium in the building (hot and cold air). Ducts have to be professionally cleaned, montaged and well insulated. Any leaks may influence the air quality or system efficiency. A properly installed system can improve efficiency by up to 30%.

Is it worth installing a thermostat, and how do I set it up?

Installing a thermostat is an easy way to save money spent on bills. It will stop your HVAC system from running on overdrive. Most thermostats have a manual to help you set up all the settings.

How often should HVAC filters be replaced?

Replacing HVAC filters depends on the model of the filter, which can be found in the installation manual. It is recommended to replace the filter every season (3-4 months) when the filter is dusty or has changed its color. Replacing filters can improve the quality of the air and the performance of the system.

What maintenance can I do myself?

Usually, you can do some basic things like replacing the filters or cleaning.

How can the HVAC system efficiency and lifespan be improved?

There is a simple solution for improvement. Your system has to be regularly checked by a professional contractor. Cleaning and maintenance of the performance of the system will increase the lifespan and efficiency of the system.

How do I know if my HVAC system is operating safely?

Installing additional devices like fire and carbon monoxide detectors will improve the safety in your home and help you monitor the safety.